zhuān zú
意思解释:(Only sufficient)专门派去投送紧要文书或物件的人。
Still person specially assigned for a task of special mission; . Because have critical thing, send only namely the person of fast deliver writ. Huang Fuchen bank note of Dai Jingtang day : Gourd ladle of Fu of of danger of Yue of tall of 〕 of allow of of of ぃ of Mie of Qian of ㄗ of my ど spoon catchs chloric red! ! Thin
专组词、足组词、 悲泫、进击、扫难、当权、向常、撩水、早就、淹泊、鱼艓、拼式、征妇、缀旒、法帖、令质、世袭、擅柄、寒素、亵污、俊耆、专足、