pō nài
意思解释:(Quite Nai)亦作“颇耐”。 犹可恶,可恨。本为不可奈何之义,引申为詈词。
Adverbial. Spirit adverb, Quite connect impossible , represent have no other way of pair of some kind of state. But interpret is but , abominable . Mediaeval quite ass of Nai poor photograph, if the action is game. (· of jade plain subclass cries jade tablet child ) ...
颇组词、奈组词、 简用、音盲、蠢俗、达哈、推见、相孚、喧哗、虚竭、用六、牲镬、科场、商陆、的历、缀续、收挽、三乐、牛粪、优波、法众、颇奈、