zhòng zhuō
意思解释:(Weigh clumsy)迟钝、笨拙。
Language pronoun giving Qing Dynasty talks a Kuang Zhouyi. Besides does the family name call oneself come from: of carry of clear person Wang Peng Cool Bo of carbylamine of tritium of of Γ of ┦ of Wei of ∮ of of sunken shake Xi agrees Γ hey prostitute is alleged ' heavy ' , ' clumsy ' , ' big ' , alleged ' go out naturally from inside chasing after carve ' . (author's preface of eat cherry word ) his notes and comments on Chinese poetry of wind of a species of orchid call:
重组词、拙组词、 讣闻、去事、早世、露颗、运斤、楞木、太祖、十万、香味、友洽、鸦鹘、冰文、玉虎、雪衣、箬笼、抱嫁、蚕箪、厕足、冲扩、重拙、