
bào jià

意思解释:(Hold in the arms marry)旧时江南习俗,女子出嫁,由其兄或弟抱上轿并送上门,因称送亲上门的兄或弟(男方称阿舅)为“抱嫁”。




< move > when woman of old common of Suzhou and other places gets married, hold in the arms by uncle on bridal sedan chair. Wu Yu. Jiangsu Suzhou [] . wake does fault of scholar of money of · of world constant character occupy phoenix to companion : ⑶ of offspringing dumpling of department of  of bully  lip wishs  suddenly discharge climbs  of bridge of border of  of scar of nose   to allow common of fluid bucket ⒕ to carry exuviate mansion twists E  to allow  of  of Song Jie of ⒕ of  of Zheng of rapid of chair street  ! Thin

