lǜ qīng
意思解释:( Jin blueness)矿石名。又称扁青、石绿。可用为国画颜料。
Green, spring the color of day wood, show Dai content Zuo expects cyan of green Zuo ; connects Er again. Shu , Shu grass, its Qu or Qia but Tang Dynasty of; of Xuan Shu lubricious dye only then color of the Shu in Zha of the mouth that use connects Er . San , careless color, hold <> concurrently point to deep cyan and cyan. Green jade, cyan jade, analogy points to cyan. Jin , the green yellow of silk, green yellow of of extend the meaning. Emerald green, blueness feather sparrow, analogy points to cyan. Sheng , but...
緑组词、青组词、 丽正、白兰、融畅、太爷、拟稿、隔生、牵掌、阴卦、颠狂、打醮、折胁、豪门、糙粮、剥怨、权人、暴起、说知、竹篰、昌兴、緑青、