
shé xié

意思解释:(Lose force)战国时,魏·范雎随须贾使齐,因齐王喜雎有辩才,致以金、牛、酒。




history write down biographies of Cai Ze of · model Ju carry, model Ju makes along with the Kingdom of Wei beard merchant makes neat, assist Wang Wen Ju has eloquence together, grant gold 10 jins of wine that reach an ox, ju did not suffer. Need Gu Nu and think Yu Qi of thing of shade of Ju discharge the Kingdom of Wei. Put in the photograph that accuse the Kingdom of Wei 's charge, cane attacks Ju, change a tooth-like part of anything of coerce to fold, a few dead. Ju goes straight towards the Qin Dynasty to must be used. Hind because of with lose force meet with to suffer accuse falsely the literary quotation of disgrace.

