
zǎi bǐ

意思解释:(Hold a pen)携带文具以记录王事。 借指史官。 南 北朝 时,韵文称文,散文称笔。后以载笔指史传、制疏、表奏一类文字。




Carry writing material in order to record king thing. on Qu Li of · of The Book of Rites : Character of I) of ǎ ofz of throat of  of basketry two  . (history: Celiac  punishs of deficient of T of Tong of meal of neon of busy of  of Lie of Ji of discipline of  word withered to show record country is met the demit of alliance. Character: Rich Yan crisp  just ② points to a history duty, official historian. Zhang Binglin on true history :  of Lu of  of Ao  fat  billows imprint from Ji of contented of ü of hydroxide of raw meat or fish! change originallies...

