guī liú
意思解释:(Return stream)流入海的河流。明·清两代在少数民族地区废除世袭土司,改行临时任命的流官统治的一种政治措施。 明 清 两代在少数民族地区废除世袭土司,改行临时任命的流官统治的一种政治措施。参见“改土归流”。
Say again improve the soil is stream, Yi Liu of improve the soil . System of administration of place of bright Qing Dynasty. In a few southwest minority area abandons descendent system of appointing national minority hereditary headmen in the Yuan in the center of, era undertakes dominating directly with formal flow official. Strengthen the control of subtense ground, make border area and in the center of, connection communication of inland is more easy. ...
归组词、流组词、 耳软、诘调、单眠、犯政、孤恓、无头、衔怒、故态、事分、柂师、怅恋、还情、俘隶、贾直、銮旗、反兵、放茅、刺审、战术、归流、