
hàn qīng

意思解释:(Historical records)古代在竹简上书写,先以火烤竹去湿,再刮去竹青部分,以便于书写和防蛀,称为汗青,因此后世把著作完成叫做汗青。 借指史册。




(1) is in ancient times on bamboo slip begin to remember things, bake Qing Zhu with fire first, make if sweat is oozy,water is divided, so that write, avoid bug eat by moth, call historical records. Show write is finished after. Zhu Xi answer severe Shi Tingshu : Dark pen censures than character of Ban of ぶ of Lu Meng Bi show off of dispute of  of yo of money of  of  Di  is ill! 2) borrows point to annals. Wen Tianxiang cross 0 man to silver coin : Does loose  complain Pan  Pao to break through  carboxyl > ぁ

