
dī chóu

意思解释:(Chou of an ancient nationality in China)昏乱不安;郁闷不舒畅。




< form > ; of be worried of anger frowsty; is vexed. Hunan language. Hunan. dialectal the 10th:  of  of street of  of ⅲ of annulus of  of diameter of  of temper by dipping in water of my handcuffs c standing tall and upright! of fraud of benzene   ~ still regretful also. scanty: of annotation of clear money sort out Fawn on of window of  of calamity of  of  of to fold of corrupt mystery of  of Ang  ⅰ searchs imprint! Virtuous ㄖ of thin funny  uses up ... the ~ that Jiang Xiang's occasional calls. ...

