péng zhāng
意思解释:(Roc piece)如大鹏展翅。比喻显扬才能。
The source sees roc is volant . If roc is volant. The analogy shows raise ability. Does Tang Pei the court of a feudal ruler make rich award grandson does sentence the Ministry of Revenue in feudal China to make : ㄊ of Zhao of of blind of Ba Zong clique drops bend of of planning Shi bridle enrols hill, buy of excel of Mu Sheng path sweets wine. ...
鹏组词、张组词、 蜚翘、墓厉、吃喜、递角、少容、示优、野婆、老话、海面、宏维、挨边、去势、茈胡、邮驿、石甔、蝯眩、京门、碧芽、覃均、鹏张、