biǎo yǎn
意思解释:(Performance)在戏剧、舞蹈、杂技等演出中,把其中的各个细节或人物特性表现出来。 演员演出剧本或扮演角色。 做示范。
Move the show; such as Thespian, dancing, acrobatics to come out clue or craft expression. [illustrative sentence] his ~ is very touching. [synonymous] act; personate; to go out perform; play the role of [differentiate and analyse] performance emphasize coming out craft expression, can use at; of all visual art activity act emphasize making up to come on the stage into some kind of character show, be used at place to dress up only some...
表组词、演组词、 糟魄、韵缬、专辞、遮丑、半古、辞灶、自弃、果儿、鹤首、青梅、反应、朴牛、区田、濮竹、口伎、八舍、支机、排袅、石印、表演、