
xiá xié

意思解释:(Evil of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct)小街曲巷。因娼妓多居于小街曲巷中,后遂以指娼妓居处。侠,通“狭”。 引申指不正派、邪恶。




(1) lane. A person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct connect narrow . Because of meretricious in be on lane more, reason shows meretricious house is in again. If bright · Zheng needs does jade remember · title : Lofty of  of  of Jie of  of ィ of Jin of A of attentively of busy of my ぐ silkworm! 2) is evil, not decent. is Wang Lun of golden history · passed : Ah   Fan carries river of cease of crotch of  of core of Long of apricot of  of Bo of  of neon of  a surname not dim glow of the setting sun is small! Thin

