fēn mín
意思解释:(Cent civilian)古时分封土地,其地居民随同划归受封者管辖,谓之分民。 谓将国用所需寄付于民。《管子·乘马》:“圣人之所以为圣人者,善分民;圣人不能分民,则犹百姓也。于!已不足,安得名圣?”郭沫若等集校引许维遹曰:“分,犹予也。《戒篇》'以财予人者谓之良'……予民,谓托业于民。”一说,谓使民各安其位分。见尹知章注。
Color of river bridge willow mirrors Shuang Jing, 10 thousand lis of pious Nahaoji Cheng. Picture house hopes Lang Chu is acted according to make, build how the talent is old famous. Building boat billow chases beach sound to turn, act government office spends the rain that contain miasma to be born. The other day place of gloomy Gu turn one's head, ...
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