
shū chén

意思解释:(Be defeated sincere feeling)献纳真情。




(1) faithfulness. Shang Gao of · of a high official in ancient China :  of zincic alarm thin  cut up with a hay cutter of chirp elder brother! The intention of2) sincerity. Liu Ji is the first month of the lunar year of Si of the last of the ten Heavenly Stems made in Hangzhou : Unplug  of rare  of ⑽ Ⅱ Tao brights Ban is bad fierce grand! 3) believes, trustful. It is to God, destiny character more. is · of elegance of · of The Book of Songs big bright : Scar wicks vinegar of  of grey Zi of  of the stalk that choose  ! this: Pi ┯ carves  province!

