
kān yán

意思解释:(Can cliff)谓山形幽深。




(1) withstand, can bear. Li Yu corn poppy :  of Shu of  of brother's son of A Chinese-style unlined garment of Kuo of target ÷ プ makes  arc  hises or her from brigade children's hair small! Stretch tight of Sui of Qi of Gui of team of  make a present of amorous hurt since ancient times parting, more that ~ desolate Qing Qiujie. (2) is OK, can. fly southeast the peacock : of cutout of a square-shaped fishing net with pole as supports of narrow of Yao of  of chaste tree of bright of carboxyl of An Hu  Liu You book anger : Ah Jin of Bei of fragrance pagoda tree of aspic Mou Α

