xuán dì
意思解释:(Xuan Di)北方之帝,即颛顼。指夏禹。指道教所奉的真武帝。 指 夏禹。禹 有治水功,水色黑,故称 玄帝。 指道教所奉的 真武帝。
Fei smoke approachs Xiao Bitian door, crimson section calls on along with wind the Supreme Being tends or guard a gate. Fine of the gold that watch day is held in both hands oneself, static can of daytime of world heavenly body touchs. Ladder is dangerous absolutely big pool 1000 dishes fine, mountain is entered in peak one column honour. will knock at true cause because of Yu Ji. ...
玄组词、帝组词、 暴急、成王、济惠、护失、孤歌、岖崟、负石、气筒、龙天、讽胁、禾更、赓续、守愿、小器、姻翁、绾合、训鉴、蠢猪、纯然、玄帝、