chéng shí
意思解释:(Honest)内心与言行一致,不虚假。 确实;实在。 《后汉书·郭太传》:“林宗 追而谢之曰:‘ 贾子厚 诚实凶德,然洗心向善。
Form words and deeds agrees with inner thought, not false. [illustrative sentence] he is a person very ~ . [synonymous] trustworthy of frank; faithful; [differentiate and analyse] honest emphasize particularly on photograph of character, travel, meaning is unified, multi-purpose at; of moral character, moral character frank side overweight sincerity is waited for, not false, suitable scope is compared honest wide; faithful emphasize particularly on true and reliable, can use at the person...
诚组词、实组词、 三家、憎丑、按杀、批红、藏锋、高览、类丑、寓物、禹服、煞是、蝶梦、酒米、奶姆、拜谢、八斗、图景、提花、当兵、蛇委、诚实、