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意思解释:(End person)[德DerLetzteMensch]见于尼采所著《扎拉图斯特拉如是说》的序言,意指一种无希望、无创造、平庸畏葸、浅陋渺小的人。
[Heart DerLetzteMensch] sees Yu Ni collects place to write Zalatusitela says so preface, mean a kind not to have a hope, without creation, commonplace timid, meager insignificant diminutive. Lu Xun by deaf and dumb : 8 and an ancient earthen utensil for steaming rise of A of Mi ∏ mu strange of clear shows cook over a slow fire of Yue of warbler of exhausted . of excuse me of ┤ of of of part of the day! Thin
末组词、人组词、 营平、写字、查枿、干覆、大壮、相是、盛季、公都、响鼻、拘籍、扪舌、般桓、滃溶、践政、险陿、对论、凯凯、肉鬉、属禽、末人、