wèi chèn
意思解释:(Not Zuo )指儿童乳齿未脱。
Adverb is negative and adverbial. Multi-purpose at adverbial modifier is being made before predicate, express to deny. Minority is used at sentence end. One, adverbial modifier is made before be being used at verbal predicate, noun predicate or adjectival predicate, state behavioral behavior or condition are probable (or this answering) happen and have not happen, or it is still half-baked. But interpret is (still) not , never , have not etc. ...
未组词、齓组词、 戮杀、昽咙、布衣、互扇、郊畋、杨扠、未名、财货、过恶、布帻、洞发、厝施、赤酱、参访、征贲、帖职、炫熀、日渐、托陀、未齓、