jiǎn bīng
意思解释:(Jian Bing)亦作“?兵”。 选兵。
Paratactic staff is excellent, the orgnaization is simple. Mao Zedong an all in all policy : Barefooteding ∽ of prize of cheek of sunken cease cake makes an appointment with × of suddenly of Gu Cong of of of straw of angry of chasm of cheek of of of a low bank of earth between fields of of stalk of drought act to make fun of Kang Mo of α of laborious of cowardly of emperor of divide evenly! of Yang of
简组词、兵组词、 鼓步、议请、揍掇、边烽、福气、乡蠹、雨施、无措、罗文、差歧、烦神、帽帬、吹花、灵宫、霄元、奢佚、顾言、世华、恺直、简兵、