fǎn mǎ
意思解释:(Turn over a horse)春秋、战国时,大夫以上嫁女,用马车送到夫家,三个月后,婿家表示夫妻可以偕老,把车留下,把马送回,叫作反马。
Gu Li, the horse that when bride of husband home remand comes, draws, good with showing connubial sentiment, can grow old together. is the left announce that pass · fair 5 years : Ampling a flat stone on iron rammer with ropes attached at the sides of bank standing tall and upright is ill! Stupid child shellfish spade ceremony, send female comfortable Yu Fu the family name, leave the horse that its send, modest dare not be content with a husband oneself, if be gone out to abandon, will multiply in order to return, reason stays also. To temple saw in March, connubial affection originallies already, criterion husband home dispatch...
反组词、马组词、 奁匣、交融、岛洞、花片、隐逸、连畔、调谎、献状、顾反、樵斧、葬术、购请、讲榻、加号、神诞、退席、敖恼、少子、讵耐、反马、