wén huì
意思解释:(Civil meeting)文士饮酒赋诗或切磋学问的聚会。 指文人结合的团体。
Composition of everybody of invite to meet together is mutual the party of view and emulate. lift in Fan Jin : Li of a key to do sth of the larva of a tapeworm or the cercaria of a schistosome reads Cou Juan to think of of father an ancient wine vessel made of horn!
文组词、会组词、 贪欲、头里、讲石、长祖、梆鼓、葈耳、玉景、日余、诃辱、紫微、圣则、工装、车革、避远、窂浪、从违、缎匹、省笔、林蒸、文会、