
cháo pìn

意思解释:(Face is hired)古代诸侯亲自或派使臣按期朝见天子。朝廷的聘用。 朝廷的聘用。 三国 魏 曹植 《商山四皓赞》:“嗟尔四皓,避 秦 隐形。




Ancient time is vassal and fixed the emperor of meet with a king. is king of · of The Book of Rites made : Separate of  of blessing of earnest of the Huaihe River of separate of  of  of blessing of ∑ of suddenly of separate of forgive of  of right Bo of Man of straightforward advice of  of pa Li Scandium farring away conceives  ! of our P  than year, every years old also. Small hire, make doctor; is hired greatly, make dear; face, criterion gentleman by oneself. Like that this is hired greatly with face, the place when Jin Wenba is made also. Anxiety Xia Zhi is made, vassal year old of face. Zhou Zhi is made,

