bó shí
意思解释:(Thin feed)指日月相掩食。 粗劣的食物。
Point to day of lunar eclipse. annals of astronomy of Chinese book · : Plum of board hem with invisible stitches shows field of ∈ of bittern of sole Zhao! Plinth of ∈ of ammonia of money Mi a huge legendary turtle is thin! Du Lang washs rancorring of bone of the っ that breathe out Sha its month has thin corrode. ② is cheap dietary. Yang Xuchuan of · of book of the later Han dynasty : Thin
薄组词、食组词、 贞特、露脚、跟跖、普淖、补授、都辖、羿后、长道、狱系、凶歼、扎也、填涌、响马、艺苑、仪尚、训养、率然、迨至、摈抑、薄食、