
pāi pāi

意思解释:(Pat)象声词。鼓翅起飞声。 象声词。枪响声。 充满。




< draft > report of a gun, pat hand voice to wait. does northeast people fight day of ballad to choose · spruce eldest sister :  of anxiety of V of copy of second course of study of basement of Piao of  of orangutan of  of Zhi Geng of ∈ of enthalpy annals haughtying parrot hum of heart of basement of Piao of  of Yu of herd capture  Huang Zhen! 991 of grand of  of thin be jealous of year the 4th period: Make locust smooth with a rake to drink duty to search  of deceive of camel mother-in-law male copy  shank! Hail flatters Jin arranges Rong  !

