
shēng shāo

意思解释:(Unripe burn)活烤。




(1) burns, burn. Qi Ce of · of plan of the Warring States 4 :  of younger sister of  of rare  Se grows  principle columns of a hall  of Cong of  of Jie of  of scar of Dong Tuo Juan! Low clumsy is right live of otter of the class that block Xian up old man selling charcoal, in the hill austral charcoal of ~ of cut down firewood. (2) is beamed, flush. Wang Jian Jiang Ling namely thing : Xia of leek of θ of Tong of a side gate of an imperial palace of cut down of  of Jia of search of  of  of Bao of 8 dew Qin scrupulously and respectfully!

