mǐ wū
意思解释:(Rice witch)指五斗米道道师。五斗米道以符箓为术,有如巫觋,故称。
Point to 5 bottles of Mi Daodao division. Inchoate folk Taoism 5 bottles rice path is art with accord with Geng , be like witch Xi, friend says. Lu Xun bandit pen 3 : Eight Guan carries grow of Zi of of Liang of of Li of law of Pai red of of ィ of of glutinous of collect of Qian of reel silk from cocoons of of Yu Zheng dregses of rice of hot remnant of hem with invisible stitches catchs border admire to kitchen melt a huge legendary turtle!
米组词、巫组词、 犯迕、星石、般弄、久懬、全牛、崟岩、合股、拚舍、酸虀、肉脯、担簦、屯师、奔趋、墨守、闵念、压伏、龙辂、众宜、逋贷、米巫、