mò shǒu
意思解释:(Cling)战国时墨子善于防守,因称善于守的人为墨守。后指固执拘泥,不会变通:墨守成规。 谓固执保守,不思进取。参见“墨守成规”。
Be apt to of a surname of the Chinese ink when the Warring States defends city tactics, hind because say firm defend for Chinese ink Di Zhi is defended . Qi Ce of · of plan of the Warring States 6 : Ao burying faithful member carve is troubled by scar come on Ling of flatter of of of leg calls out disease of plaque of of calamity of of Guo quiet! Sieve of Huan of establish of Ke of of money Bu seeks Huan! of of of P of ぶ of Luo of funny Mie He when good ram of He Xiu holding the post of a city learns, write then ram ~ . hind borrow more...
墨组词、守组词、 遥艳、嘉慰、檀粉、号脉、午休、四注、犯迕、星石、般弄、久懬、全牛、崟岩、合股、拚舍、酸虀、肉脯、担簦、屯师、奔趋、墨守、