
bì guī

意思解释:( of a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center)亦作“璧圭”。 璧与珪。古代帝王、诸侯用作礼器和符信。




Ancient the jade article that is used at sacred, face to hire. old the Tang Dynasty is book · Wang Qi passed : Bi Zhi of of of bed of  of Jia of  of scar of  of saddle Gu  is discussed, classics the compasses before having. when investitive of ② ancient time gives ground, grant to be a letter. Hind because point to government-owned the rank of nobility with a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center. Wei Ying content east is Lin Jingshe sent show Feng Shaofu of Yan Li city poetic: My  ⒅ subtles north of ⒀ Dan  predicts limb idle! Does hail Yan throw Gou Gu small

