chuáng gài
意思解释:(Lid)赤幢和曲盖。古为将军刺史的仪仗,因亦用以称刺史、郡守。语出《晋书·马隆传》:“诏曰:隆以偏师寡众,奋不顾难,冒险能济,其假节、宣威将军,加赤幢、曲盖、鼓吹。” 供神佛的幢幡伞盖。
旌旗,帷帟之属。古时将军刺史的仪仗。 《文选·潘岳〈马汧督诔〉》: “进以显秩, 殊以幢盖之制。” 李善注: “幢盖, 将军刺史之仪也。”…
Banners and flags, of curtain belong to. The flags of olden general feudal provincial or prefectural governor. anthology · Pan Yue < Lei of equestrian superintend and director > : ∈ of of caries of calamity of Ao charm kitchens the source invades Pi fully! of of chart of thin ± ruthenium lid, the appearance of general feudal provincial or prefectural governor also. ...
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