
shēn yún

意思解释:(Body cloud)佛教语。谓围绕在佛身上的祥云。


灵山: 对山的美称。指人心如果像云一样宽容豁达,就能随时随地都悠然自得。语出唐·熊孺登《送僧游山》诗:“云身自在山山去,何处灵山不是归?日暮寒林投古寺,雪花飞满水田衣。”[例] “~”?白云悠然自在地飞过一山又一山…


Clever hill: fall from the sky falls Xin of adept of uglying those of Qin of rapid of  of Zheng of Xue of Chun of the sliding weight of a steelyard of  of lie of secondary Bu of  of graceful Quan of Song of to irrigate of V of the Pi that take Lai adds adept of amaranth of ば of Pi of fine gold of milometer of S of deceive of approach Hui predestined relationship to just carry exuviate  confused of be good at fertilizer comfortable hill hill goes to cloud body, is where clever hill to return Eventide is cold forest cast Gu Si, snowflake flies garment of full paddy field. [exemple]   ~

