zhēng shè
意思解释:(Proof photograph)收捕;缉捕。
Kinds what become with a certain number of adjacent charm of tail vowel is big. Photograph (Parigraha) expresses in this department sutra wraparound word. Wait for charm to learn a department to point to a kind to the charm of close of identical, the essential vowel in a compound vowel is amalgamative tail vowel, photograph with interconnected system of one word sound. Does Qing Zhangjia introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad earth overcome a graph Tong Wenyun all is the letter the same as heterodoxy cloud: Finger mark of eight record spends Sanskrit letter) to use also,
征组词、摄组词、 充融、慰安、辨理、寖急、枪衣、角口、嗟矜、回轨、留念、丛庞、野客、劈账、电火、颐爱、短计、森磢、茭笋、遣嫁、爽捷、征摄、