huáng mìng
意思解释:(Emperor life)天命。亦指皇帝的命令。
Wang Mingqin 3 stannum, pass below announce 6 Chi. Fei of bare of grand of early in the morning sheathing or bow case, bestow favor on boast yellow pool newly. Willow act contains frost respectful, neon an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast embraces day to move. Day of kylin empty cabinet, plan of week call together merit when. Desert should plow acupuncture point, restore...
皇组词、命组词、 恶剧、里排、简则、腾精、续成、南明、践蹂、日晷、灼据、实致、策官、解缆、吏用、斜歪、困瘼、匀注、戏德、月计、健羡、皇命、