gān lín
意思解释:(Gan Lin)《易·临》:“甘临,无攸利。”宋祚胤考辨:“'甘临',是以临为甘,即认为周厉王的治理很不错。”后以“甘临”指以仁政治民。
Adverbial condition is adverbial. Use at adverbial modifier is being made before the verb is predicate, the person that state behavioral behavior is the doer of the action in a sentence would rather be done readily. But interpret is willing , readily , willing etc. Be like idiom candidly admit defeat , means would rather prostrate; to compare sincerity to admire others with the wind readily, be on others of one's own accord under. Be like again: (1) Gan Yuzi is the same as a dream. ...
甘组词、临组词、 交衢、意想、瞥尔、签合、时牌、豪怒、寐鱼、气索、议殿、占占、天区、始笄、毁瘁、眼乖、材薮、讨来、霞焕、颁条、荡失、甘临、