kě céng
意思解释:(But ever)同“可憎”。 曾否;是否。 已经。
Adverbial, doubt adverb. Before be being used at the verb, express to whether had had some action. Latter-day you since horse member outside marry excellent, can ever you be born one male half female (grey late is written down 2 fold) ○ old a unit of length, can you ever hear (3 a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct 5 justice 28) contemporary weather heals cold, don't I know soft rock has clothes over not We are some. Tinplate...
可组词、曾组词、 隶古、蚕台、阿妈、法腊、北走、洪勋、采求、快游、辞职、阁免、坠毁、过庭、况老、舒释、触蛮、桂柁、冠时、星震、倡论、可曾、