yī hào
意思解释:()一种勋号或名号。一个号令。又称。一声号哭。犹一种。一帮。 一种勋号或名号。 一个号令。
Development of our country proper motion and meteorological satellite of the first when blast off polar orbit. This names for ' wind and cloud ' meteorological satellite, it is to be in emissive center of satellite of our country Taiyuan, with ' long march 4 ' carrier rocket blasts off. (see People's Daily 1988.9.8) for example: By month time of 7 days of Beijing 4 when arrive since 30 minutes today Beijing time 8 when...
一组词、号组词、 硬弓、生水、改易、奥域、团矿、质究、闷声、放漫、叨名、恨悷、书袋、顿毙、吴调、嫌怨、听书、某门、竹桥、英儁、一个、一号、