
fú yāo

意思解释:(Take evil spirit)服饰怪异。古人以为奇装异服会预示天下之变,故称。 讥服饰怪异的人。




Call dress is bizarre. in annals of the five elements of Chinese book · over : E of Guo of cook and stir of  of leech of  of caries of awl of show off of wash of  of  of Piao of amine hanging eminent is planted    inspects crab   ! of arc of subcutaneous ulcer of elder brother of Xiao of の of Luo of He of thin funny Mie post emperor Yuan Jiazhong, kyoto woman makes worried look hair worn in a bun or coil of horse of caw makeup, fall, fold should (waist) pace, dental caries laugh... only then place of proud general Home Liang Ji is, kyoto inhales like that, zhu Xia all is put...

