nòng yìn
意思解释:(Lane imprint)《史记·张丞相列传》:“高祖持御史大夫印弄之,曰:'谁可以为御史大夫者?'孰视赵尧曰:'无以易尧。'遂拜赵尧为御史大夫。”后因称任命御史大夫为“弄印”。
Yao Chuan of Zhao of Zhou Chang of Chinese book · : Case well does Ping bell turn over of of of midge Qi ∨ ' the person that who can be drive history doctor ' hind the allusion that in order to is doctor of Ren Yu history. Revive Zuo does drive history doctor make the Sai Zhen that award Yin : Rake of Ni of of ≈ of the that arrange a letter is all solid shallow touch to use up! Thin
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