yōu chàng
意思解释:(Actor initiate)古代表演歌舞杂戏的艺人。 泛指戏曲演员。 指歌舞杂戏。
(1) ancient time performs the person of miscellaneous play of singing and dancing. history old and well-known family of the Confucius that write down · : Ah model of of Li! 2) points to miscellaneous play of singing and dancing. south is history · Liu Zhongli passed : Magnesium of pa Luo thin V hires of Zhao Ao of Fu curtain ! Thin
优组词、倡组词、 道命、参虑、天日、地契、全程、自拘、貌形、散从、野林、化城、内禅、冲紧、暗轮、局踧、记闻、连缀、居势、御贡、逞憾、优倡、