xū xiě
意思解释:(Empty is written)指文艺创作的一种表现方法,与正面实写相对。作者虽渲染了某些人物,却不使其出场,只让读者觉得它的存在,借以影响着在场人物的命运或结局。例如曹禺话剧《日出》中的金八,鲁迅小说《药》里的夏瑜。
One of demit case. Zhang Gong defend oneself of Chinese rhetorical · : Dam shows Yun to mire ⑽ of ァ of of of of Yong boundless and indistinct wriggles tenon of ⑶ of toad of twin of neon of Yun of strong barrier of the larva of a tapeworm or the cercaria of a schistosome of standing tall and upright constant windows carapace of flatter of the entangled that blow bud dust Ping member Dong goes straight towards Zhuo make a present of character! Zhang and Chen Jiebai rhetorical classify the watch gives a way (type) . ...
虚组词、写组词、 添仓、颛对、贞峻、襕裙、回佞、色拒、俊健、弩牙、诗骨、打彩、贮藏、逼削、去去、掩荫、乘丘、面颜、遮齐、野船、鸦发、虚写、