shèng mín
意思解释:(Get the better of civilian)犹言前朝遗民。
如果民众的力量超过法律的权威,国家就要动乱;如果法律的威慑力能制约民众,军队就强盛。指法制的权威不可动摇。语出《商君书·说民》:“过匿则民胜法,罪诛则法胜民。民胜法,国乱;法胜民,兵强。”[例] “~”。韩非是“法治…
If the people's force exceeds legal authority, the country is about convulsion; if deterrence force of law can restrict the people, army is powerful and prosperous. The authority that points to legal system cannot shake. Language piece does · of business gentleman book say civilian : Law of of of of ǎ of し of Qia of C of Chi of っ of ㄊ of Pi of engrave of Liu of of ǎ of し of Qia of Li of Ang Pen is gotten the better of civilian, arms is strong. [exemple] ~ . Han Fei is rule by law...
胜组词、民组词、 合年、学龄、纪委、里胥、死背、无梁、訾相、树根、罢钱、霜笳、佳尚、怫异、对证、守早、白刃、采缋、协相、傲逸、春药、胜民、