zhěn gōng
意思解释:(Pillow humerus)《论语·述而》:“饮疏食,饮水,曲肱而枕之,乐亦在其中矣。不义而富且贵,于我如浮云。”肱,胳膊。后因以“枕肱”、“枕曲肱”形容随遇而适,安贫乐道。
is · of the analects of confucius narrated and : of of of of constant of amine reason Fang oh favour of flatter of faithful Beng of of anchor washing with watercolors imprints! Bake bath of Kuo of large bamboo hat stops Fu is pigheaded kill firm arrive money to be worth vinegar of beautifuling Bei of B of make a present of to cross of Dian of humble of な of Weng of gland sandpiper Sui alone straight in order to allow genu one grave, gourd ladle hurriedly of Qufu cuts; pillow to the upper arm 5 mus, the wall of Chengdu is poor already. also make pillow music thes upper arm . Dark Sui
枕组词、肱组词、 飞羽、蓝舆、割烹、忧迫、披草、西湖、阏伯、斜灯、监誓、痛挠、老躄、犇急、剽疾、廉蔺、训戎、汤引、建除、在宥、昔席、枕肱、