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意思解释:(Practice calligraphy)推敲诗文中的用字遣词。南朝梁刘勰《文心雕龙》有《练字》篇。 练习写字。
Xiaosi experienced big character, write full a piece of paper. Take paper to see a word, changed the rule that press paper. Feet touchs prepared Chinese ink to fall, wet the paper that has a word. Xiaosi asks him, who do this blame Be paper, be feet, be still prepared Chinese ink [I of training purpose simple or compound vowel] ...
练组词、字组词、 变揭、斗牌、野氓、彻编、苞括、逸驭、伐檀、田输、愚依、贪粗、尊府、市舶、华枯、虞祭、电击、末脚、淑真、庭阶、寱挣、练字、