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意思解释:(Persuade power)谓鼓劲用力。 指努力,勉力。
Show the person wants to know self-knowledge, do not go doing the business that oneself cannot be competent. [exemple] you want to resolve the contradiction between them, jumping-off place is good, can be them the accumulated rancor below that times knot, you cannot understand at all, the person says character rests gently urge a person, force is small cease try to stop people from fighting each other, I persuade you to save bit of power, do not hold this again foolishly heart. ...
劝组词、力组词、 浃宙、丛荟、汹扰、刷涤、衡楚、搨翼、冈峦、病耳、普告、民村、烈祖、恩鱼、锢塞、晩饭、设色、玩延、威诟、毛渠、双秤、劝力、