shuǎng lì
意思解释:(Efficient and able)〈方〉:直率;干脆。 爽快;利落;办事不拖泥带水。 利落。
Is body flat and neat: His conversation of enthalpy grand special ~ . Is ② comfortable and delighted: Does mansion of " of Chi beat flat: of of be good at Deng having enough and of グ of live abroad of of alliance of lowing of ィ ...
爽组词、利组词、 批阅、礧具、改变、矜赏、禀假、作制、还主、阵毙、星土、字条、兄公、连牵、倒囊、表揭、堤火、坐痹、贻戚、逼烁、疏涩、爽利、