tiān wēi
意思解释:(Tian Wei)天道威严;也指帝王的威严。 神奇的威力;神威。 帝王的威严;朝廷的声威。
古谓天的威灵。《书·泰誓上》:“肃将天威。”引申指帝王的威严。《左传·僖公九年》: “天威不违颜咫尺。” ②犹神威, 神奇的威力。 《三国志·魏志·张邈传》:“布(吕布)举弓射戟, 正中小支, 诸将皆惊, 言: ‘将…
Power spirit of Gu Weitian. on oath of book · peaceful : of Yan of 8 toot ! Xi of a man's cap used in ancient times of teach of money dim glow of the setting sun is able to bear or endure is rare! of night of べ of couchant coil pats cease Tian Wei is not violated colour very close. ② still invincible might, magical might. is Zhang Miao of · of annals of the Kingdom of Wei of · of annals of the Three Kingdoms passed : Install Lv Bu) lift Gong Sheji, in the middle of Xiaozhi, all will all Jing, character:
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