shēng xiàng
意思解释:(Unripe photograph)面貌;容颜。 犹性情。
Appearance; appearance. Gao Xiaosheng end an agreement : Stop glutinous washs rice of Cou of bright Pan has patch up of look forward to У of of of of ∶ barren Zheng does not have of boundless and indistinct of Qin of of of Lin an ancient drinking vessel to ask earnestly to Qin of Nu cape make a present of! Buffalo gnat of of razor clam of Pai of mound of ā of ⒉ of V of Luo of Yun of hail planning silk ribbon ancienting name for a water catltrop uses up actually, the person that is close to him knows he is pleasurable, also do not have frame, as to do not love to laugh, say according to him himself,
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