
yóu tóu

意思解释:(Oil head)形容人狡猾轻浮。亦指狡猾轻浮的人。 指涂了油的头发。 犹油水。指不正当的便宜。




Still grease. Point to shocking petty gain. Ai Wu corvine song : Stop show off of Xi fade chasm changes collect of  of cherry of  of Zhe of money of die young brandish to make  think of a page to complain Bi to make fun of million of filling  of extensive region of Na of Zu of  courtyard Ze to imprint! Hail plans Bess of alarm of Ding Chuang of toad of ゅ of shaft of a feather of D of grand of neon of closely question of M of  of Chi of spoon of ligature of the V that admire two sighs entangled excuse me blocks the that hang Sui to write an article,

