
zì jiǔ

意思解释:(Be soiled wine)东汉徐穉常于家预先炙鸡一只,并以一两绵絮渍酒中,曝干以裹鸡。遇有丧事,则径携墓前,以水渍绵使有酒气,祭毕即去,不见丧主。见《后汉书·徐稚传》及李贤注引谢承《后汉书》。后因以“渍酒”为朋友间吊丧墓祭的典故。




According to Er of Xu of · of book of the later Han dynasty is passed Ji Lixian is noted, xu Er often roasts meat beforehand in the home chicken, and with wine of be soiled of 9 continous garrulous in, expose to the sun the in order to after working wraps chicken. Encounter have funeral arrangement, take carry before reaching a grave, make have wine energy of life with continous of water be soiled, hold a memorial ceremony for finishs leave, do not see funeral advocate. Hind because of with be soiled wine the literary quotation that is grave of hold a memorial ceremony for of the condole between the friend.

